-Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug 
 with distinctive analgesic and antipyretic properties, It exerts 
 its action by inhibition the activity of the enzyme 
 cyclo–oxygenase, resulting in decreased formation 
 of prostaglandins (PGs) and thromboxanes from arachidonic 
 acid .In  addition it has been shown to inhibit competitively 
 the action of (PGs). (The resultant decrease in (PG) synthesis) 
-Mefenamic acid is rapidly absorbed from gastro-intestinal 
 tract. Peak plasma concentrations occur  about 2 -4 hours after 
 ingestion .
 The plasma elimination half-life is reported to be 2- 4 hours . - Mefenamic acid is extensively bound to plasma proteins 
 Notice: Small amounts have been detected in breast milk . 
 Over 50% of a dose may be recovered in the 
 urine ,as unchanged drug or conjugates of  Mefenamic acid 
 with its receptors.

- Each tablet  of PONTAM® fort  contains: 
 Mefenamic acid 500 mg .
- Each tablet  of PONTAM® 250  contains: 
 Mefenamic acid 250 mg . 

 PONTAM® is contraindicated in the following cases :-
-Patients with known hypersensitivity to Mefenamic acid
-Patients with inflammatory bowel disease 
-Active ulceration or chronic inflammation of either the upper or 
 lower gastrointestinal tract .
-Patients in which Aspirin or other NSAIDs induced severe 
 allergic reactions, due to risk of cross –sensitivity .

-Mefenamic acid  potentiates the effects of oral anticoagulants 
 due to prolongation of prothrombin time. 
- Mefenamic acid increases the plasma concentrations of lithium 
 , methotrexate  and cardiac glycosides                                                                                       
 which leads to enhance their toxicity  .
- Concomitant administration of Mefenamic acid with Aspirin 
 should be avoided because of the potential  of increased adverse 
-The effects of Mefenamic acid might  be enhanced by use with 
 moclobemide .
- Mefenamic acid may be decrease the efficacy of antihyperten 
 sive agents  or diuretics .

- PONTAM® should not be used in pregnancy and nursing 
 mothers unless if  necessary.

-More frequent effects:- Gastrointestinal disturbances including stomach-ache or abdominal pain, nausea, ,vomiting, mild diarrhea and dyspepsia.
-Less Frequent  effects:- Anemia(may be associated  
 with GI bleeding or micro-bleeding), headache, 
 drowsiness,dizziness, nervousness, visual disturbances,

urticaria, skin rash, bloated feeling or gas , and constipation.

Over dosage : -
-Symptoms of overdose of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs  
 generally reflect gastro-intestinal, renal and CNS toxicities of 
 these medication . Convulsion are likely to occur following 
 Mefenamic acid overdose.
-Management include emptying the stomach via inducing emesis 
 or gastric lavage , followed by administration of activated 
 charcoal. Symptomatic and supportive treatment should be 
 instituted and vital functions  should be monitored.  

- Treatment by PONTAM®  should be discontinued if diarrhea  
 or skin rash occurs.
- PONTAM® should be used with caution in patients with 
 asthma or allergic disorders, urticaria, renal or hepatic 
 impairment, haemorrhagic disorders, hypertension and 
 impaired cardiac function. 

 Blister of 10 tablets - pack of 2 blisters .

-Store at a temperature below 30 oC.
-protect from light.