The study of stability

  • The department consists of three branches: the study of real stability, long and fast.
  • The department is concerned with the study of the stability of the developed pharmaceutical products as well as the study of stability of production products in different storage conditions and for certain periods according to the latest international legislations related to the use of nurseries and modern devices and intelligent follow-up systems.
  • Preparing product follow-up files to ensure that they do not depart from international and local standards in preparation for registering products in the relevant authorities.

Department of Methods Development Analysis

  • The department performs its activities through the laboratory of chemical analysis, physical analysis, microbiological analysis.
  • The department applies the methods of analysis adopted in the international product constitutions (if any), develops new methods of analysis of unconstitutional products, and conducts a feasibility study to ensure that they work properly for the purpose for which they are based.
  • The department studies the bioequivalence in the laboratory of the drug developed in comparison to the innovative drug according to the relevant scientific guidelines The department uses these methods to analyze products during the development of the product in the initial testing phase and during the stability study and then transferred to the quality control department to be used to analyze the pharmaceutical product in the production stage.

Development of pharmaceutical formula

  • The laboratory consists of several laboratories: liquid drink laboratory, semi-solid product laboratory (ointment, creams, gels and suppositories), solid product laboratories (tablets and capsules), equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and equipment.
  • The department develops a generic drug that conforms to international standards. The generic drug is developed from the collection of physical, pharmacological and clinical information through preliminary experiments to the final version to meet the scientific and international requirements, then to prepare meals to study consistency and transfer the technology of the product from R & Production by supervising the first three production meals as well as training on how to produce the product. The department participates in the qualification of suppliers through conducting experiments on raw materials to ascertain the extent to which they conform to internationally approved standards.
  • The department also contributes to the community through the training of pharmaceutical staff in public and private universities. The department contributes to research related to the study of the master's and doctoral students from different universities.

Knowledge Corner Unit

  • The unit consists of a corner equipped with the latest equipment of the Apple connected to the Internet dedicated to research and reading room and a special training and workshops.
  • The unit aims to provide the center with all the modern knowledge related to the pharmaceutical industry and the new updates related to the approved pharmaceutical legislations worldwide and how to apply them through training programs and lectures.